Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monkey Bum Banana Heads and Jam Sandwiches

The banana head kids blog begins

So- Why a blog? - Who am I? and Whats going to be in it?- and Why would you read it anyway? 

Ok- so...
I am a normalish mum, doing a Graduate Diploma of Early Education and learning the coolest kids activities and ideas to do with kids. Also as part of my website, I go to all sorts of cool places and find out all these awesome online shopping destinations and the most AMAZING kids products. So I thought a blog would be a great place to share it.

So my blog will have 

  • Some Art projects
  • A bit of Science- including crazy experiments
  • A bit of helpful learning stuff, like literacy activities
  • Some cool online shopping for kids and parents
  • Some amazing kids and parent products
and some random craziness.

So who am I? I am Ngaire Stirling- Creative Director of and I exist there as part of a team of creative and equally crazy people dedicated to bringing Big Ideas to Brisbane and Gold Coast Kids.
I am also bookkeeper to our family business, Stirling Building Creations, AND as mentioned I am studying teaching little kiddlies. I also have 2 boys under 4 and am looking forward to more! Life is full and fun. 

So why 'banana head kids?' ...Creating a name is alot harder than you imagine- firstly, all reasonable names are taken. So... 

Why Banana Head Kids??? Well thats what I call my kids when they are a little crazy and cheeky- I tell them to stop being a "Monkey Bum Banana Head". It got me thinking to all the other crazy words and sayings mums use, as a way to lighten life and take the serious out of motherhood.

 My Tom and I

Other ones I like include: In response to "What are we having for Dinner"

pickled budgie bums on toast and cow poop sandwiches
Are you being a crazy monkey man
do you need a jam sandwich to make you happy??
Caw Caw Caw Caw (thats right like a bird)

anyway.. that explains the name.. and perhaps how crazy being a mother make you..But this is what I was thinking at 2am when I titled it, and this blog explains.. what this blog will offer you.

Love and Light x


1 comment:

  1. love the name and I might just try those pickled budgie bums for dinner tonight! lol
