Saturday, October 16, 2010

Missing my Monkey Bum Banana Heads

Brisbanekids has been a bit slack over the last couple of weeks- so this blog is abit of an explanation about that- also to let you all know that in 2 weeks- I will be back on board in entirety with a lot of changes, new content and even a new gold coast website on its way..
Apart from running BrisbaneKids and doing this delightful blog- I am also a student teacher-For the last 2 weeks I have been doing a fulltime teaching practicum at a local primary school. This is a big change for me, as always being a WAHM (work at home mum) and pretty much used to a flexible unstructured life. My kids have never really had a wake up time, and a ‘very general’ go to bed time- I have always been a pretty laid back mum in regards to schedules and pretty much most things. IF my 3 years old wants to sleep in a painting tunnel, I think why not??  If he wants be cranky in the morning.. I think who am I to interrupt his moodiness?

The last 2 weeks have forced a lot of changes in my thinking and habits.
This is what I have learnt.
1.       You actually can change the pooiest nappy in history within .5 seconds of waking up and you don’t necessarily die or vomit everywhere. Surprising.

2.       My 3 year old cannot be bribed by lollies within 10 minutes of waking up.. bad I know..but worse that it didn’t work.

3.       It is actually easier to look after other people kids than my own.. which does worry me.. are mine that bad?? Hehe…. I will reflect when my prac is over.

4.       I can go to work without makeup (totally forgot!!!)- which, honestly surprises me after 10 years in corporate sales and marketing where I thought it really was essential clothing.

5.       Mother guilt is heart wrenching.. “mummy why aren’t boys for mummys and daddys anymore?- boys are only for nannas”….through to “Why don’t I get to stay home with you like other boys- I will be good I promise”  Yes I cried a little..

6.       That the guilt is almost but not quite balanced by the absolute look of joy on their faces when you see each other after 9 hours apart.. It is like an airport reunion everyday- love it!

7.        It is a myth that working fulltime means your house DOESN’T get messy- mine is DISGUSTING after 2 weeks!!! And still 2 weeks to go!!!

8.       Nanna’s really are the greatest most undervalued people in the world- we only have one for our boys- and thankgod for her.. and for their pa…

9.       I can actually survive without updating/checking/thinking about facebook for 9 hours.. which honestly I found surprising… maybe I thought I would come home and my brisbanekids page would be hijacked by someone else..

10.   I had no idea I could miss my kids and enjoy being apart from them at the same time. Kudos to all fulltime working mums out there.
So that’s it.. 2 weeks to go in my prac life and then back to my equally crazy life of working from home growing our businesses, changing nappies, making magic and cupcakes all at the same time. I was going to take a photo of the mess but figured what the authorities don’t know, wont hurt them.. hehe..

One of my monkey bum banana heads

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