Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Actual Non Spill Sippy Cup

Generally I steer away from baby product reviews unless I am a million percent sure that they are going to do what they say. So I when I say I have found a non drip kids cup, excuse me while I try not to flinch. BUT I HAVE!
I was at the fabulous Mummy Tree Markets at Morningside (who sponsor) when I came across “Stoked for life”. This particular stall were displaying some colourful looking drink flasks, nothing that I thought I needed. However, as I wandered past I heard the words uttered “100% spill proof”.. I stopped dead in my tracks, turned around suspiciously while thinking to myself ‘whatever!’
Why so Cynical?
I have two crazy boys, and trust me I have tried everything!- If they are non spill I generally find that they come with other flaws.
  1. The main flaw i find with the "non spill" claim is that kids have to suck so hard on the nozzle, that they end up biting the plastic off the nozzle and within three months the plastic is damaged and flaking off.
  2. My other criticism is that other non spill ones require a twisting action which makes it too easy for children to operate and flows too easily and ends up in the back seat of my car.
  3. Finally, I find that you often can’t tell by looking if many of the twist top ones are closed and I have lost a total of three mobiles to "non spill" sippy type cups that put you into a false sense of handbag security.
  4. They come with a lid. – Lets be honest- the lid concept is good, but once it comes off it spills-…so is that really non spill?
Taking the plunge
Against my better judgement I bought a stoked bottle that day- why? I am not really sure. I was generally excited about the markets that day, and not having kids with me, so I was a pretty easy target. I did however, refrain from buying more than one, with the ladies reassuring me that they would be at the next markets and that it’s only $3 postage on their website anyway. If you want to buy one online go here
The Verdict
Their site says they are age appropriate for 4+ but my three year old needed NO coaching what so ever. These aren’t likely for kids under 2, but I expect you could train one if you really wanted too. However, for kids that can push a button it works!! and I am in love!
  • They are 100% spill proof care of some AUTOSEAL® technology. They have a simple button to push and rather than sucking the child simply receives the drink into their mouth. I repeat.. no sucking required.
  • Better still, the second they take their finger off the nozzle the flask becomes non spill again.
  • I like the clear plastic option too, because I can see how much liquid is left, and a cordial ratio if that is what the drink is.
  • You can also buy bigger ones which is what I am going to do, so when you go on picnics you can deliver a non spill experience to lots of kids at once. They also sell insulated mugs.. so everything is covered.
  • Best of all the one I bought which held 410ml was only $12.95. Way cheaper than I would have expected, cheaper than many department store type offerings and is really quite sad considering what I have spent so far. They are all bpa, pva blah blah free, ergonomic, dishwasher proof  blah blah FANTASTIC!
Take my word for it or not (I totally understand if you dont- nor would I), but if you want a non spill option, this could be the answer.

I am still searching for a non spill solution for kids under 2 (who don’t like sucking)- let us know so we can buy, try and share, because too many mobiles, wallets and bags are ruined.. well in my life anyway.


(The next Mummy Tree Markets are on November 28th at Morningside)  


  1. I am looking for some travel water bottles st present so these look fantastic - thank you so much! ~ Christine

  2. I just bought 2 Thanks to Jelly Bean Books posting it on her facebook wall. cant wait to get them
