Sunday, December 19, 2010

GOMA- for Kids- 21st Century Art Exhibition in Brisbane- A Must SEE

21st Century Art at the Gallery of Modern Art is an exhibition especially for families & kids- I expected it to be good- but I was  not prepared time-wise for how much there was and how kid friendly it was. It is a little hard to navigate and find everyone but I think the adventure is half the fun- my only advice is, if you can take two adults do- it would make it easier for everyone.
Firstly Goma opens at 10am- we arrived a little early and had breakfast and watched the world go by, no loss, infact the whole area around GOMA makes my kids excited.
The Slide
When we got inside our  first stop was obviously the slide- because the exit of the slides are right there as you enter. You need to be 1.1 metres to have a go- sadly not within my sons height range. However, even watching it was thrilling- honestly- my 3 year old stood at the exit in anticipation watching them down.


The Bird Room
This is a room full of coathangers suspended from the ceiling and real live birds- AMAZING

The Balloon Room
I went in here by myself with a toddler and carrying an 18mth old- it was exciting to me, and them, hard to describe, my advice- go here first so you can be in there by yourself.  (this is not a kids display- but was totally kid friendly)

The Lego table
Think a 20metre table all white lego and half built buildings- an interactive display- my son is a lego maniac- I thought he was going to bust a foofoo valve when he saw it.

The Ribbon Wall
A Wall of ribbons with wishes that you can take and put around your wrist or write your own and the artist will consider putting it on the list next year- My son chose “ I want to see dinosaurs”
DIY bird making
Tables of craft stuff to make birds that are being suspended from the ceiling

Alien Induction
I didn’t do this one- BUT it was about answering questions and being inducted into an alien race, I spoke to some girls who did and they said it was hilarious- for older kids
The Elephant and animals
See for yourself. My son was a little disturbed by the ‘dead elephant’- but it was still magnificent

Animal Computers
Windows of animals and interactive games to have kids guess animals. My 3yr old loved it

On top of this there were various drawing and craft areas throughout, grassed alcoves and displays that while not necessarily designed for kids, thrilled my none the less.

You can park underneath for $15 all day- it is free to enter and participate, and my advice is get there at 10am- skip the slide and do all the other things first- if you can get away with it. I managed to complete it in 2 hours but we were rushing- I had no idea how great this would be. My recommendation is to GO..GO ..did i say GO!!!!- make a day of it- spend the morning at GOMA- and the afternoon at the State Library Kids section, the Museum, South Bank or a CITY CAT ride- Well done GOMA.

***oh- i didnt mention i forgot the pool- i didnt get to see it because it had sprung a leak BUT apparently you can walk on its water- sounds amazing!***

(all photos on this blog remain the property of Brisbane Kids Creative and - They are not permitted to be copied without permission)


  1. That looks amazing! Thanks so much for posting this blog as I was wondering what it was like. Do you think my 22 month old would enjoy herself there? :-)

  2. Definitely will put this on my list of things to do in March (Feb is full!)! Thank you!! My 5 and 8 year old boys will love it!! :)

  3. I knew this was on but didn't realise how cool it was - definitely will check it!
