Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas from the Brisbane Kids Family

Hi Brisbane Mums, Dads and Carers

This is a repeat of our newsletter for those that arent subscribers. We simply want to thank you for all your support, your emails, your input and your encouragement. Brisbane Kids has come a long way in the last 6 months.

  • We have reinvented ourselves. From our creation 4 years ago, to our remodel 6 months ago, we are now becoming recognised as the site for Kids in Brisbane. Infact there are a number of media outlets who now use us a resource in their articles. 
  •  We went from 0 to almost 2400 friends  on facebook in less than 6 months. This is incredible growth for a brand that is targeted to a local city and to an almost singular demographic
  • We now list over 300 activities and other adventures you can do with Kids in Brisbane.
  • We have created an incedibly popular blog whose readership and following surprised even us. BananaHeadKids was created on a whim, its name chosen because all kids are monkey bum bananaheads.
  • We have become known for our value and as a genuine promotional platform. We sincerely want our child friendly businesses to succeed, so that we succeed. We have built many genuine relationships with some of the best child friendly businesses in Brisbane.
  • We also continue to seek original quality ideas and information, manually entering everything ourselves, refusing to surrender to the copy-paste syndrome. Our team is made up of stay at home mums and a dad who do this because we really really want to :)

So thats where we have come from. So where to from here.. Well not to give too much away, but we have some big plans. That said, we dont want to lose our local feel or ever lose site of our vision. We are committed to making you happy by giving you ideas to make the most of Brisbane with your kids. We will never lose sight of that.

So thanks for reading the rambling.. if you got this far.. and thank you again for your support. From all the team ,we wish you a safe Christmas full of love and laughter and a New Year where all your dreams come true.

xxxNgaire & the Team at

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