Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Do and Donts of Donating for Charity

Today I went and gave several bags of goods to a charity drop off point in aid of the floods in QLD. When I arrived I was asked what was in the bags, "were they of good quality?".. Upon asking why they were asking, I was told that they had found everything from very old, used underwear to babies clothes with vomit on it.
This prompted me to write the following about how to donate the right way.

1- Firstly- Welldone- Its great that you have made the decision to donate. Not everyone has cash and donating goods is a great way to still be able to give. I have been just amazed at the incredible generosity of all Brisbane and Australian people and have literally being brought to tears of happiness over some of the comments I have read through the facebook page for Everyone should be so very proud of themselves, and their fellow Australians, I know I am.

2- Maybe you are going out to buy new things- think necessities, toothbrushes, sanitary items, nappies, thongs, underwear- things people prefer and need new

3- Before you donate- ask yourself- If you were handed this item would it make you feel better about your current situation? - the phrase "beggers cant be choosers' isnt appropriate- I prefer - "do unto others"- your old, used underwear is not something you should do to others.

4- Bag the items- dont drop them off and hand a pile over- the drop off centres arent equipped to deal with it.

5. Label bags/boxes if you can- when you drop off be aware someone will have to sort through the goods- most probably a volunteer- make it easy for them- label according to toys/clothing/and even better- ages and sex- at the very least bag the articles.

6. If the clothes have been packed for a while (ie old kids clothes- consider if you can wash them- I personally did not do this, and after speaking to the volunteers, wish that I had.. why didnt it occur to me- these people dont have washing machines! lack of sleep perhaps on my behalf)

7- Ask the drop off centre if they will need help sorting- they will most likely.

8- Get your kids involved- this is a great opportunity for them to begin the understanding of charity.

9- Think about the donation of dog and cat food- there are animals suffering too- package appropriately

10- Think about things to donate that are needed but not mentioned often such as stationery for kids about to start school or insect repellant

Finally- dont be afraid to just give to charity stores- I am amazed how much great (even still labelled) clothing I had in my home- It should not have taken a flood to have brought about my donation.

Share Enjoy and Give your Brisbane Kid a Big Hug

xxNgaire and the BrisbaneKids Team


  1. This is so true. I thought as I was about to leave and go to LJ Hooker in Aspley whether I would be happy for my baby to wear clothes that had been vacuum packed for 2 years or more? The answer was no! I unpacked the items, washed and dried them and repacked to be sent.

    My 5 year old boy helped me and I explained that there were many children that didn't have the luxuries that he has at the moment. He listened for a while then decided to donate his TV, DVD player, Stereo, Toys, Books, Puzzles, Clothes and DVD's. I am so proud of him and LJ Hooker were to, so much so they took a picture of him the put in their news letter.

    It's a small comfort to our family to know that a child will have something to play, watch and wear over the coming day's and week's.

    As Ngaire states be sure that's it's clean, working and in good condition xx

  2. Fantastic post Ngaire, thanks for sharing such insightful and useful information at this time, and all your hard work in supporting Brisbane Kids through good times and bad.

  3. This post says it all... I can't believe some of the things people think it's OK to give to charity - if you wouldn't want to receive it yourself, don't think others will want it either! ~ Christine

  4. Thank you so much ;-)


    Myself and partner are donating and will be assisting when the flood waters subside!

  5. Thanks for the post. You gave me and others an idea to do and to not to do in donating in a charity.

  6. How about dont tell me your donating take my money. and run off and your not a legit business.lied just to supply your own pockets there's a dont for ya.
