Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Osprey House for Brisbane Kids

Blog post for Brisbane Kids by Renee Veldman-Tentori of Professional Parents

Osprey House is an environmental centre in Griffin (north of Brisbane, not far from North Lakes) run by the Moreton Bay Regional Council.  It’s a perfect adventure outing for families with children of all ages – and best of all, it’s free.
Open to the public all week from 10am to 4pm, it’s named after the resident Ospreys who live high up on a pole in the carpark.  Look out for the nest when you arrive and though you can’t get a close look, you can see videos from the “OspreyCam” on the website! 

Their great website (built by some of the enthusiastic volunteers) is a great resource before and even after your visit with extensive information, photos and videos.
There is plenty to do at Osprey House – you can bring a picnic or BBQ, go birdwatching, look for some of the local resident wildlife (koalas, possums and more) and participate in lots of learning activities for kids of all ages such as plaque rubbing along the “Yali Moyum” (Tell the message) trail.

Here is a video blog of our visit

Our little family (Sophia is 3 and a half and Isabella 1 and a half) have been 4 times now over the last few months.  All of us thoroughly enjoy it and discover something new each time.
Brisbane Kids & Professional Parents are planning a future group visit here so let us know if you’re interested.

Our guest blogger Renee Veldman-Tentori is owner of two businesses. The first is Professional Parents ( which is a business offering support, assistance, group activities, workshops and consultation with parents in business. Her second business Zestee is a Boutique Marketing Consulting Business which provides small business with the skills, ideas and support they need to succeed (

For all the details of this wonderful destination head to to the "Great Outdoors Page"

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